Download WordPress Automatic Plugin V3.98.0 Full Version

Do you find it challenging to keep your WordPress site updated with fresh content? The WordPress Automatic Plugin is here to help, making it easy to automatically post content from almost any website to your WordPress site. This powerful plugin supports a wide range of sources, including popular sites like YouTube, Amazon, and even AI-generated content using OpenAI, Google Gemini, or Claude AI.

Key Features of WordPress Automatic Plugin

  1. AI-Generated Content:

    • Automatically generate articles using OpenAI, Google Gemini, or Claude AI. Simply add your desired keywords or custom prompts, and let the AI do the work.
  2. RSS Feeds:

    • Import content from any RSS feed. The plugin can fetch full content, authors, tags, categories, and featured images from your specified feeds.
  3. Web Scraping:

    • Single-Page Scraper: Import specific parts from any URL and monitor for updates.
    • Multi-Page Scraper: Import multiple posts from any website, with support for pagination.
  4. E-Commerce Integration:

    • Amazon: Import products by keyword or browse node with full WooCommerce support.
    • eBay: Auto-import products by keyword or seller.
    • AliExpress: Import products by keyword or custom URL.
    • ClickBank: Import products by keyword with automatic affiliate link setup.
    • Envato: Import items from markets like ThemeForest and CodeCanyon.
  5. Social Media Integration:

    • Facebook: Import posts from pages, profiles, open or closed groups with extensive filtering options.
    • Twitter: Import tweets by keyword, hashtag, or profile.
    • Instagram: Import posts by keyword, hashtag, or profile, including comments and tags.
    • Pinterest: Import pins by keyword, board, or profile.
    • Reddit: Import posts and comments by search, specific user, or subreddit.
    • TikTok: Import videos by hashtag or user.
  6. Multimedia Content:

    • YouTube: Import videos by keyword, username, or playlist, and auto-publish them.
    • Vimeo: Import videos by keyword, channel, or album.
    • DailyMotion: Import videos by keyword, username, or playlist.
    • SoundCloud: Import audio by keyword, user, or playlist.
    • iTunes: Import items like music, apps, podcasts, and more.
    • Flickr: Import images by keyword, profile, or album.
  7. Job Listings:

    • CareerJet: Import job listings by keyword and location with filtering options.
    • Craigslist: Import listings from any Craigslist URL and auto-publish them.
  8. Location Data:

    • Google Maps: Import places by keyword, including reviews and images.
  9. Additional Features:

    • Spintax: Generate multiple articles from a single content source.
    • Telegram: Import posts from any Telegram channel, including setting the original author as the WordPress author.
    • EzineArticles: Search and post articles from EzineArticles by specified keywords.

Advanced Customization Options

  • Feeds Management: Convert summary feeds to full content posts, extract specific parts using CSS or XPath, and replace specified text.
  • Content Filters: Skip posts without content, non-English posts, or posts without images.
  • SEO & Affiliates: Automatically set keywords as tags, hyperlink keywords with affiliate links, and translate content before posting.
  • Multisite Support: Fully compatible with WordPress multisite installations.
  • Automatic Updates: The plugin is regularly updated to ensure compatibility and functionality.

With the WordPress Automatic Plugin, maintaining a dynamic and engaging WordPress site has never been easier. Automate your content, drive more traffic, and streamline your workflow with this versatile plugin. Say goodbye to manual updates and hello to a continuously updated website!


File Name - WordPress Automatic Plugin
Last Updated
2024-06-18 10:40
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